About Us

Providing Legal Services for Minnesota’s Mortgage Banking Needs

The firm specializes in representing the default servicing industry in all 87 counties in Minnesota. The firm’s expertise and “cradle to grave” legal services include foreclosure, bankruptcy, eviction, REO closings, title curative actions, litigation and loss mitigation. WGC has a proven track record of handling and mitigating litigation risks, even for the most complex litigation matters. With over 20 years of handling a full range of litigation matters for the default servicing industry in Minnesota, from dismissal motions to jury trials, and unmatched appellate results, please think of WGC as your Minnesota Legal Department.

Armed with over 80 years of combined experience in default servicing, our three shareholders can expertly move your portfolio through Minnesota’s default servicing process. We are dedicated to cutting edge technology and a cross-trained, team approach to provide the industry with efficient and high quality service.


We represent the vast majority of mortgage servicers that operate in Minnesota, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD, VA, large national mortgage servicers, specialty servicers, local banks and credit unions.